How Do I Grant Guest Access in the SmartRent Mobile App?

Granting Guest Access is an easy way for you to give friends, family, house sitters, or delivery drivers access to your home or community. The availability of access types and timeframe may differ depending on your community guidelines and the lock model installed. If you have a SmartRent-supported community access system, the guest access you create will automatically grant access to those common areas/perimeter doors as well. Credentials may be issued as a PIN code or Bluetooth Pass depending on the lock type.


Granting Guest Access PIN Codes:

To create a new access code, follow these steps:

  1. On the home screen of your app, tap Access in the bottom bar menu
  2. Tap the +
  3. Select whether you would like this code to be Permanent, Temporary, Recurring, or Delivery (Learn more about the different types of access codes with our What Are the Different Types of Guest Access Codes? article)
  4. Fill in Your Guest’s Information (phone number required)
    • If creating Temporary or Recurring access, fill in desired dates and times the code will be available to use 
  5. Tap the check in the upper right-hand corner
  6. Your guest will receive a text message with a link to their code
  7. A list of invited users will show up in your Access page


Granting Guest Access Bluetooth Passes:

To create a new Bluetooth Pass credential, follow these steps:

  1. On the home screen of your app, tap Access in the bottom bar menu
  2. Tap the +
  3. Select whether you would like this code to be Permanent or Temporary
  4. Fill in Your Guest’s Information (Phone number required)
    • If creating Temporary access, fill in desired dates and times the credential will be available to use 
  5. Your guest will receive a text message with a link to download the Alloy Pass app
  6. Your guest will need to download Alloy Pass from the Google Play or Apple App Store and sign up with the phone number you entered in step 4
  7. Their Bluetooth credential will be available for use from within the Alloy Pass app



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